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Book this service to receive feedback on your 10 minutes ​Spiritualist Address. I will provide honest feedback constructively to rebuild your confidence. Allow me to assist what can be viewed as a poor, average, or excellent address. 


Are you ready to speak publicly? Do you want to develop more confidence? I am not concerned if you attend with a written script or going to talk inspirationally. I will listen to the content, your delivery, passion, and if you have the skill to keep me / the listener interested.  


I will provide excellent feedback and why I was interested or perhaps why I began to lose interest or focus.  


An excellent assessment session for you to get real feedback with answers how to improve. 


Each appointment lasts for 30 mins. Book as frequently as you like to support building your confidence. Does your address fit the criteria of a lesson for Spiritualist Philosophy?

Once payment is received,  I will arrange a suitable date for your schedule.

20 mins: This will be a practical session with 1 Student and Tutor!

Writing by the Water

Your Address plus Assessment Feedback


20 mins

Includes PayPal Admin Fee

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All Rights Reserved ©2017 by SpiritualStars Training Group

Supporting learners to increase Spiritual awareness in Mediumship and Spirit Portraiture via Webinar Classes. Every lesson is experimental and no guarantees are given that any student will become either a Medium or Spirit Artist due to the Freewill and choices of each person.  Anne-Marie Bond

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