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Spirit Communication

Mediumship can prove to be a healing experience when we are able to receive a message from a love one that has passed through the experience of death.   To find out they still live, what they do with their time, what they are aware off as in changes within our own life can bring self-awareness to how we live.

The appointment is held via Zoom and involves mental mediumship, whereby someone from the world of Spirit talks to my mind who wishes to be remembered to you.
As a natural clairvoyant, I've always seen people subjectively. Once the appointment has been agreed upon, I will send you the zoom codes. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the services, no guarantees are given to the person you wish to hear from steps forward during the appointment time. However, by being open without expectations, you should see that those able to communicate may bring messages from the person you want to hear from.

You choose your preference of a zoom or telephone appointment.


This is stand spirit communication without spirit portraiture.

Once booked below, I'll send you a few dates to choose from. Currently I have a waiting list, so book early.

30 mins: Booked to suit your timetable during the day, or evenings Monday to Friday.

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Private Mediumship Sitting with Anne-Marie Bond

Medium, Speaker, Teacher, Coach


30 minutes

PayPal admin fee applies at checkout

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All Rights Reserved ©2017 by SpiritualStars Training Group

Supporting learners to increase Spiritual awareness in Mediumship and Spirit Portraiture via Webinar Classes. Every lesson is experimental and no guarantees are given that any student will become either a Medium or Spirit Artist due to the Freewill and choices of each person.  Anne-Marie Bond

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